Friday, November 14, 2014

Comment on Justin Staub's "Why Gay Marriage is Unconstitutional".

Hey Justin, I found your article interesting to discuss about. I want to start off by saying that I have my own beliefs like everyone else does. I have nothing against people that are homosexual. But honestly, regarding to your topic, I believe that whether someone is gay or not, should have the right to their own decision. I don't believe that one person should make the decision for another. Yes our founding fathers derived from the religion of Christianity but when we compare the past to the present, things have drastically changed. Isn't it in the declaration of independence that we are entitled to the pursuit of happiness? Yes, religions will always disapprove of gay marriage but isn't freedom something that we fought for in this country? To me, gay marriage isn't a sin. They're causing of no harm towards anyone. Gay marriage shouldn't be seen as a sin like stealing or killing. I myself am catholic and I don't necessarily believe what my religion says and I asked myself if whether any religion is more right than any other; which I don't believe as well. But the question that I'm getting across is, if two people are happy with each other, should we take that away from them? I found this article to be very helpful to myself: Some Things To Consider If You Think Being Gay Is A Sin.

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