Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Marijuana. Yay or Nay?

Should marijuana be legalized? Today, we have to two health hazard substances that are legal. It seems to be a relevant question to ask why marijuana is illegal. For starters, if it was legal, it would save our government lots of money. In the United States, all levels of government federal, state, and local authorities participate in the war on drugs. Marijuana’s illegality makes foreign cultivation and smuggling to the United States extremely profitable, sending billions of dollars overseas in an underground economy while diverting funds from productive economic development. We currently spend billions of dollars every year to chase peaceful people who happen to like to get high. These people get locked up in prison and the taxpayers have to foot the bill. We have to pay for food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses to lock these people up. This is extremely expensive. It is established scientific fact that marijuana is not toxic to humans; marijuana overdoses are nearly impossible, and marijuana is not nearly as addictive as alcohol or tobacco. It is unfair and unjust to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco. Many people use marijuana because they have made an informed decision that it is good for them, especially Americans suffering from a variety of serious ailments. Marijuana provides relief from pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms for many individuals who have not been treated successfully with conventional medications. I also can see the point though of keeping it illegal though. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the U.S. and around the world. Those who support its legalization, for medical or for general use, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana use itself. I don't personally use marijuana but I find myself believing that marijuana should stay the same but the problems that we're dealing with will only continue.


  1. Hey Abraham, i totally agree with your what your saying in this post, The views of marijuana are different for many people. In our society today, marijuana is not only sold as an illegal substance but is also available for medicinal purposes in some states. For example, Marijuana can be prescribed for medicinal use in states including, but not limited to, California, Colorado, New York and Washington. Based in Colorado, The five Stanley brothers started a non profit organization called Realm of Caring to promote medical marijuana research and to make the product more accessible to the people that cannot afford it. Now, low-THC, high-CBD marijuana makes up about 75 percent of the Stanley’s crop. Although there are many opinions regarding the risk verses reward when it comes to medical marijuana, the foundation Realm of Caring proves the effectiveness works miracles on numerous patients today. So now only if our government would just see that its very helpful in many ways, and not only see the so called "harm" it's doing to everyone apparently we would have it everywhere right now. Marijuna profits made in those states is out of this world high!!! Can't even imagine here in Texas.. Like I stated earlier there are people in the industry of Marijuna that want to help and not just get high, yeah we all enjoy marijuana here and there maybe all the time, but their are young kids, teens and even older folks with desieases that need marijuana to reduce there fatal symptoms. Thats all there is too it.

  2. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about..
    cbd best
