Friday, October 17, 2014

Airstrikes on Ebola?

For years we've used the Air Force as strategic bombers to either neutralize a threat or to simply aid the military troops in conflicts but, the idea of bombing Ebola is something that I find irrelevant to solving solutions of preventing Ebola to spread. On Friday Oct. 17, 2014, Obama Orders Airstrikes on Ebola, written by Peter Van Buren, discussed how President Obama decided to act on the situation of Ebola. He had the order of airstrikes to be made. I honestly don't see how airstrikes could help destroy the threat of Ebola in the US. Maybe if certain chemicals or treatments were used like agent orange during the Vietnam war would be used but that still would cause illnesses such as cancer, for the near future of citizens. He also states that when someone opposed a white house spokesperson of a question regarding of how the airstrike would help, the spokesperson responded with a question asking if they supported their troops instead of an answer. I find it to be funny that we can't even ask a questions of how situations will be solved. Also in the reading, they stated that since day one, we've always used airstrikes with every crisis such as Libya, Iraq, and Syria. I don't see how Ebola is considered as an attack of terrorism and how would that prevent a virus from spreading within America. We're dealing with a situation that's within OUR own country. What's needed to be done is to have people learn how to prevent the virus with basic medical procedures such as proper hand cleansing and educating ourselves about the virus. I agree with Peter about the situation of Ebola.

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