Thursday, October 2, 2014

ISIS and Education

The fight in the Islamic state with the US isn't the only thing that they're concerned or worried about. On Wednesday, October 1, 2014, The New York Times published an article titled What ISIS Could Teach the West. They seem to feel threatened by western education and women's empowerment. When they're not concerned if whether a predator drone is above them, they're battling women with an education by kidnapping, torturing, and executing or assassinating them. A while back, Islamic militants invaded and attacked a school in Nigeria to kidnap more than 250 females. The battle between both countries is also causing money to be spent. Yes, we will use arms but not to only depend on bullets or explosives but to become more strategic. Women's education has a bigger impact than men's education due to statistics of low birth rates and a decline in population. After reading this commentary, I am inclined to find myself agreeing with this 100 percent. I find that not only are Islamic women fighting for an education but the US is also going through a struggle with more people walking away from public schools without obtaining most of what they were taught. Down the road, we should be able to situate things out rationally rather than irrationally and go through wars or battles and spend a lot of money. Not only is it problematic for women (or people in general), but those that were kidnapped can easily be brought into the war for generations to come. We can help save those or others from having to deal with violence or kidnappings.

1 comment:

  1. Sàn gỗ cao cấp nhập khẩu Không chỉ đem lại cảm giác mát mẻ về mùa hè. Và ấm áp về mùa đông ngoài ra sàn gỗ còn có tác dụng cách âm. Cách nhiệt tốt, các vân gỗ và những hoa văn. Màu sắc của gỗ giúp bạn có cảm giác gần gũi hơn với tự nhiên.
